
These are the values we commit to hold to as members of Milestone Church and Milestone Worship.



We value God’s word because we desperately need it. The Bible is the primary means by which we relate to God, grow closer to Him, understand who He is, what He cares about and how He has called us to live.


We value the mission of God to reach and redeem individuals, families, neighborhoods, and beyond.

Spiritual Family

We value developing genuine community through authentic relationships that come from loving God, sacrificially giving, and serving each other.


We value a lifestyle of worship that leads to the ongoing process of development in the life of every believer.


We value the biblical principle of giving our firstfruits to God and believe that generosity transforms our lives as Christ followers. When we give, we affirm our commitment to the ongoing mission of Milestone Church: reaching people and building lives. As we continue to give generously with our time, talent and our resources, we believe we’ll experience the joy of seeing God transform lives.