Dev Nights

Dev Nights are a place for you to continue learning and growing in your skills, but more importantly an environment where we can grow together in Christ. These nights include a hands-on time of playing/singing with a full band, as well as a time to pray together, build relationships, and learn more about what it means to be a worshipper. We’ll have coaches there for each instrument and vocalist, to help you on everything from tone and style to stage presence and tips on leading well in our environment.

Spring 2019 Dev Night Schedule

February 7 Dev Night
February 14 Off (Valentine’s Day)
February 21 Dev Night
February 28 Dev Night
March 7 Dev Night
March 14 Off (Spring Break)
March 21 Worship Night
March 28 Off (Auditions)
April 4 Dev Night
April 11 Dev Night
April 18 Off (Easter Rehearsals)
April 25 Dev Night
May 2 Dev Night
May 9 Dev Night
May 16 Dev Night
May 23 Off (Auditions)
May 30 Worship Night

Team Worship Nights

Twice throughout the fall semester, we'll invite our entire Worship & Production team to come together for a Worship Night. The team leading this night will be mainly comprised of people on the Dev Night teams—YOU! We believe in passing the baton and releasing people, so we want to give you an opportunity to lead and help create moments for others on our team to encounter God. We see you as the future of Milestone Worship, and it's an honor to create a place for you to lead others in worship.

What is the format of Dev Nights?

5:15-5:30 Arrive, tune, get in-ears, and meet on stage.
5:30-6:30 Workshop songs
6:30-7:00 Team time (share, pray, learn)

Put simply, Dev Nights are workshop & development nights for your character & craft. Practically, we'll spend a good chunk of time workshopping songs. You'll be asked to learn 2 songs each week you're scheduled. We ask that you prepare both songs to the best of your ability. You'll be playing on stage with a mix of some of our seasoned team members & some other new team members like yourself. We'll start by going through the first song, then take time to coach you and talk through some things that may help you get better. Then, we'll do it again. And again. And again. After that, we'll move on to the second song and do the same thing. Then we'll work on the transition between the two songs. One main goal is that you feel comfortable and confident playing your part on the team!

Team Time
At 6:30, we'll stop workshopping and move into a time of focused teaching about our DNA, sharing with one another, and praying together. More than playing a song well, we care deeply about who you are on the inside. We want to get to know you because of who you are, not what you do. We are so much more than a bunch of talented bodies on a platform playing good music. We are a spiritual family, and a family learns together, gets real with each other, and carries each other's burdens—together.

How do I know if I'm scheduled for Dev Nights?

You'll receive an invitation via Planning Center Online when you're scheduled. Please accept or decline asap so we know you're going to be there. 

Can I come to Dev Nights if I'm not scheduled on team?

Absolutely! Yes! Please! Even if you're not scheduled for a Dev Night, please make an effort to be there. You'll really benefit from watching others learn, as well as from Team Time at the end of each Dev Night.